Acupuncture point detection and electrostimulation
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It is a device specially designed for health professionals who work with the ancient techniques of Chinese acupuncture. It was also designed for those who, not having deep knowledge on the subject, want to delve into the location of points and electroacupuncture therapies.
Its design is totally portable and works with an external power supply included.
>It consists of 2 integrated devices in the same cabinet: in the lower part, an acupuncture point detector with sensitivity adjustment for each skin type, and in the upper part, an acupuncture electro-stimulator with variable amplitude and frequency.
The technical characteristics of the stimulator are as follows:
Supply voltage: 12 Volts with power supply included.
Consumption: 6 - 16 mA
Output voltage: 0 - 85 Volts
Wave type: China
Negative pulse duration: 8 mS
Positive pulse duration: 0.25 mS
Impulse frequency: 1 - 25 Hz
It is supplied with the corresponding cables for each case:
A set of tips (red and black)
A set of clips for self-adhesive electrodes (white and black)
A black cable with a crocodile clip and metal tube.
Dimensions: Length: 145 mm Width: 95 mm Height: 80 mm
We present the third part of the Conference given by Claudio Sadoly, during the PUNTA DEL ESTE INTERNATIONAL HOLISTIC EXPO 2013. This conference presents the characteristics of the equipment that Bioelectronic manufactures, its benefits and applications.< /p>
Part 3: Generation, Acuplus, Electrocalm, Colloidal Silver Equipment and Bio-relax1