Mutual Affairs

Let's do business together doing good to people

Vibrational or energy medicine is a safe alternative to solve health problems and also to prevent them. Many clients have obtained benefits by balancing their bodies, harmonizing their space, or treating diseases using these tools, complementary to any other therapy. That is why the recommendation of those who use our equipment is important to us since word of mouth is a direct and safe way of transmitting experiences.

We provide permanent advice to our distributors and affiliates, as well as periodic remote or face-to-face training. If you want to belong to our team, we ask you to complete the contact form by placing your intention to be a distributor or affiliate in the Comments field.




The client must make a minimum purchase of 10 devices in a maximum term of 3 months. These kits can be any combination of the kits that Bioelectronic manufactures. Once this purchase has been made (sequentially or in a single moment), you start buying our equipment with a differential price list that has discounts of between 15 and 45%, depending on the equipment in question. To maintain Distributor status, at least 2 PCs must be purchased per year, after the initial purchase. Each distributor will have the possibility to set the sale price according to their shipping or marketing costs. However, Bioelectronic will have a suggested retail price which is the price that our company will quote to new customers.


An affiliate is simply a person who wants to recommend our equipment and for this, they are given a unique “Discount Code” for the affiliate. This code can be sent to the referred person for a special 5% discount on the published purchase price. Once the purchase has been entered, our system will detect the affiliate code from which said purchase came and the affiliate will be credited with a percentage of 5% as commission and thanks.